Title 1 and Your Child
COES is a Title 1 School
If so, did you know that Title I is a federal program designed to:
• Help children do better in school and learn skills to be successful.
• Provide resources for children to help them achieve to their fullest potential.
• Encourage parents to be more involved in their children's education.
• Provide opportunities for more teachers and aides in the school.
• Provide opportunities for smaller class sizes.
• Help schools to facilitate activities designed to promote family involvement in their child's education.
Some Tasks Teachers Agree To:
• Help your child be successful.
• Provide you information about your child's progress in a timely manner.
• Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently.
• Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude.
• Provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences for your child.
• Maintain open communication with parents and children.
• Help parents understand their options under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) such as opportunities for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) and public school choice.
How Can Schools And Parents Work Together?
• Have training sessions for parents and teachers on how to effectively and positively communicate with each other.
• Arrange to have parent teacher conferences, PTA meetings, and other events not just at school sites. Use the community library, YMCA, and other facilities and offer meetings at flexible times.
• Publicize the benefits of belonging to the PTA and encourage others to join.
• Provide transportation to school events and meetings.
• Provide childcare for events and meetings that may be adult‐oriented.
• Establish an easily accessible family center on the school campus.
• Provide a home/school liaison to assist in communication between families and teachers.
Have You Signed Your Compact?
The Title I Program has established an initiative for a school‐parent compact which is used in all Title I schools. This compact is an agreement that promotes positive communication and involves the teacher, parent, and student in taking responsibility for certain tasks. It is NOT just another piece of paper! The three parties meet and discuss the compact, take responsibility for the listed tasks, and then sign the compact.
Some Tasks Parents Agree To:
• Ensure your child attends school regularly.
• Monitor television time and the content of the programs your child watches.
• Promote good study habits and provide an effective work environment.
• Attend school functions.
• Communicate with your child's teacher regularly.
Some Tasks Students Agree To:
• Attend school and be prepared to learn.
• Always try to do his/her best.
• Obey school and classroom rules.
• Complete assignments on time.
• Be kind, respectful, and caring to others.
DOES YOUR CHILD ATTEND A TITLE I SCHOOL? Tip Sheet Copyright 2009 Florida Partnership in Education (FL PIE). This document can be downloaded and reproduced without prior consent for non‐profit educational use only, provided the author/ copyright holder is fully cited/credited. All other rights reserved. This document was produced, in whole or in part, with funds from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation & Improvement, Parental Information & Resource Center program, under Grant # 84.310A. The content herein does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Education, any other agency of the U.S. government, or any other source.